What is Vedic Counselling?

Depths of consciousness.

Vedic counselling draws deeply from spiritual, yogic, and Vedantic principles, offering a holistic approach to understanding human consciousness and guiding life’s journey. Unlike conventional psychology and counselling methods, the Vedic approach dives into the depths of consciousness, drawing from ancient wisdom traditions such as Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, Vedanta, and Tantra.

The Vedic sciences


  • Ayurveda - Vedic medicine focuses on enhancing the well-being of the body and mind, treating diseases, and optimising overall health.

  • Vedic Astrology - Vedic science delves into the understanding of time and karma, exploring both individual destinies and collective influences.

  • Vastu - Vedic science examines spatial and directional influences for building construction and orientation, aiming for harmony and balance.

  • Vedanta - Vedic and Yogic philosophy centered around Self-awareness and Self-realization, offering profound insights into existence and reality.

  • Vedas - Ancient Vedic scriptures contain prime mantras, imparting knowledge about the universe, rituals, and various aspects of life.

  • Vedic Yoga - Vedic tools for Self-unfoldment and Self-realisation encompass diverse branches and practices, facilitating spiritual growth.

At its core, Vedic counselling recognises the interconnectedness of the individual and the universe, viewing life as an organic expression of unified consciousness. This holistic perspective encompasses various dimensions of human existence, including the body, senses, mind, prana (life force), and consciousness. It synthesises the experiences and teachings of millennia of Yogis, rishis, sages, and modern gurus, offering an innovative model grounded in practical application and realisation over centuries.

Central to Vedic counselling is the understanding of inner consciousness, often revered as the inner guru or Divine presence, which guides all aspects of life. This inner guidance transcends conventional knowledge acquired through education or external institutions. Vedic counsellors serve as guides to help individuals tap into this deeper consciousness, facilitating a journey towards higher awareness and self-realisation.

Vedic counselling addresses a broad spectrum of human concerns, encompassing physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being and broader life issues. It integrates various counselling modalities such as Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, and Yoga, tailoring guidance to each individual’s unique needs and aspirations. Rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach, Vedic counselling acknowledges the uniqueness of each person and customises guidance accordingly.

As a comprehensive system, Vedic counselling addresses all aspects of life—from personal growth to relationships, career, prosperity, education, and spirituality—while recognising the interconnectedness of individuals with their families, communities, and the natural world. It is not merely a specialised field but a synthetic discipline that seeks harmony among diverse approaches under the common thread of consciousness and the fundamental laws of life, known as dharma.

While Vedic counselling embraces various spiritual, counselling, or healing modalities, its foundation lies in Vedic teachings, providing a thorough understanding of consciousness as both an art and a science.

Foundational Inquiries in Vedic Guidance & Ayurvedic Psychology

At the heart of Vedic counselling and Ayurvedic Psychology lie pivotal self-inquiry and contemplations about the nature of existence. Rather than providing ready-made solutions, Vedic counsellors encourage clients to embark on the sacred journey of self-inquiry (atma-vichara), delving into the quest for deeper meaning and truth within themselves.

Addressing these fundamental inquiries is essential for addressing peripheral concerns effectively. Exploring these inquiries entails delving into timeless existential questions. Failure to probe deeply enough often results in incomplete and superficial responses, lacking transformative potential.

Articulating these questions meticulously and creating a mental space for sustained reflection is crucial. The skilful framing of the question inherently suggests its answer. The goal is not swift resolution but profound comprehension of their multifaceted implications. These questions are not merely to be answered but to be lived with, meditated upon, and nurtured diligently.

Self-Inquiry – The Foundational Questions in Vedic Counselling & the Enquiring Mind

“Who am I?” (Nan-Yar) is the quintessential query from which all others stem. With clarity on our identity, all other endeavours become imbued with certainty. Each individual can tailor these foundational inquiries to resonate with their journey.

“What constitutes your true reality?” – Does an independent essence reside within, or are we mere reflections of external stimuli?

“Where does your genuine identity lie?” – Does it manifest externally or emanate from within, as body, mind, or consciousness?

“Do you identify with the body and its faculties, or do you perceive them as instruments of temporal existence, while your essence transcends them as an enduring awareness?”

“Do you associate with the mind and its fluctuations, or do you recognise them as instruments of transient mental activity, behind which lies a deeper, enduring identity?”

“Where does lasting fulfilment reside?” – Is external gratification requisite for happiness, or can ultimate contentment be found within one’s inherent nature?

Vedic counselling embodies a journey of self-discovery and often does not impart tools and techniques but rather facilitates profound inner self-knowledge rather than imparting external information. Its purpose is to awaken inner intelligence, catalysing our innate discernment processes. Ultimately, true wisdom resides within, mirroring the intrinsic reality of the cosmos. This voyage of self-unveiling constitutes genuine Vedic healing, wherein self-discovery unfolds as self-restoration, revealing the boundless expanse of our universal Self.

If you would like to learn more please contact Marye directly.


Ayurveda & Consciousness.

