
Safe to just be.

She went her entire life hyper-intellectualising her way through. By the standards of most, she had built a successful career, a home, and a family. To live with so much understanding about life but such little feeling of it created a loneliness that no relationship could fill. Addictive tendencies had taken hold. Feelings, that started as whispers, after suppressing for so long, were now too loud to ignore. Anxiety and migraines seemed to be the only way her body could get her to pay attention. When she could no longer think her way through, she had to come home, back to her body.⁠

For someone so intelligent, how did she not know how to feel? When she did feel, she had no idea what to do with it. For so long she had managed the pain and discomforts of life by numbing and ignoring them. Prioritising a rich intellect over her intelligent body. This numbness, once used just to dull discomfort, had now begun to take the lustre out of life.⁠

A life lived with Spirit is to stay close to your aliveness – this is only ever experienced in your body. By regularly reminding yourself to get into your body, you will learn to feel your feelings and allow them to exist without judgement. You will learn to stay with a feeling long enough for it to move, but not so long that you get lost in the story of what you feel. The body holds stories, some of which are painful and traumatic, but all are in the past. In order to cope, you will create ways of numbing, disassociating, avoiding, and shutting down. These patterns enable you to survive, but there comes a time when they prevent you from thriving. Embodiment practices will drop you beneath the layer of ‘thinking-mind’ where the default is to fix rather than to heal. ⁠

Trust your body’s intelligence to know how to process whatever is arising. Some places in the body may have been in shadow for a long time and will need to first know they are safe in order to be released.

Ayurveda understands that our feelings, relationships, and even our soul’s longings all affect our health. We know that when we forge a connection to our whole being, we step through a doorway to a more open consciousness and to greater health and happiness.

We can hold this sacred space for you, contact Marye to explore a pathway tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Let us support you reveal your inherent inner peace.


What is Vedic Counselling?


Being seen.